6 reasons why ginger is super healthy

What are the health benefits of ginger?

Ginger has been used for more than thousand years and is a very popular ingredient in cooking, especially in Asian and Indian cuisine. Not only because of its delicious warm, sweet and spicy flavor. Ginger is also super healthy!

Packed with nutrients
Ginger is loaded with vitamin B1, B2, B6 and C. The most important minerals in ginger are sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper and zinc. Some of these super nutrients are responsible for the health benefits of ginger below:

1. Calms the stomach
Fresh ginger has been praised for decades for its medicinal effect. This superhero can treat many forms of nausea. Are you pregnant and do you suffer from (morning) sickness? Make yourself a cup of fresh ginger tea! Even if you are nauseous due to motion sickness or chemotherapy, ginger can help to lower the nausea. In addition, ginger is a natural remedy for heartburn.

2. Reduces muscle pain
One of the qualities that ginger is known for is its anti-inflammatory effects. There is also evidence that ginger reduces muscle pain and soreness after intensive exercise. 6-gingerol is the substance in ginger that is known as a very powerful anti-inflammatory and can help lower the risk of infections.

3. Improves blood flow
Do you suffer from cold feet in the winter? Ginger improves the blood circulation in your body. Even better: during cold weather, drinking ginger tea is a good way to keep warm. It’s diaphoretic, which means that it promotes sweating, working to warm the body from within. When you’re making ginger tea, adding a slice of lemon adds additional benefits, including vitamin C and antibacterial properties. This makes a soothing natural remedy for a cold or flu.

4. Improves your immune system
Besides a good dose of vitamin C, ginger also contains beta-carotene. This is converted in your body into vitamin A that will boost your immune system.

5. Helps with weight-loss
Ginger tea can help you with weight-loss, because it boost your digestion. Ginger also increases your metabolism, because it stabilizes your blood sugar level.

6. Great for digestive health
Ginger is your new best friend for supporting everything regarding digestive health. Ginger helps increase the body’s ability to empty food from the stomach more quickly. The more efficient your digestion is, the more energy you will have because researchers have found that approximately 60% of your body’s energy goes to metabolism. If ginger can improve digestion, your metabolism will improve and energy will be more available. This is possible because the quicker you can digest your food, the faster you will absorb the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.

So let’s buy some ginger at the market, and add it in your tea, smoothie, soup or ice cream!