Tips to increase your fibre intake

5 ways to eat more fibre

It’s not a secret: fibres are super healthy. Eating a fibre-rich diet has lots of benefits, as described in our published blogs. It’s associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Eating plenty of fibre also helps with weight loss and helps you feel longer saturated. Question is, are you consuming enough? The tips below will help you increase your fibre intake. And the good thing is: it’s not difficult at all!

The advice is to get around 30 to 40 grams of fibre per day. Grain products will help you get there! Make sure to choose whole grains over refined grains. Refined grains have been stripped of their vitamin-containing germ and fiber-rich hull. Whole-grain cereal products (like whole-grain bread or pasta, bulgur, quinoa and brown rice) are therefore richer in fibre than other types of bread and white rice.

Go for veggiesVegetables are a great source of fibre. The real fibre king is broccoli with 4.5 grams of fibre per 150 gram. This green fibre machine is followed by carrots, red cabbage and green beans (3.8 gram fibre per 150 gram).

Fibre-rich fruitIn addition to grains and vegetables, fruit can also contain a lot of fibre. On top of the list is orange, followed by mango and pear. An apple is also a good source of fibre. Forest fruits such as blackberry, blueberry or black currants are also real fibre bombs.

Eat the fruit with the skinDid you know that if you peel fruits and vegetables, you often remove half of the fibre? For example, a small apple contains 4 grams of fibre, and a peeled apple only 2 grams. And although cucumbers are not high in fibre, there is still 2 grams in a cucumber, half of which in the skin.

Ice creams!Great news: our Gigi ice creams are high in fibre! You can find our gelato at and have them delivered at home. Super easy & fast! Plus, with this heat, we all prefer to stay in the garden in a container filled with ice-cold water anyway.