Author: GigiGelato

Want to make your ice cream moment really special? Choose a delicious topping for your favourite Gigi ice cream! We present to you: 3 vegan toppings to make your ice cream even better. (You’re welcome 😉). Crunchy chocolate dipThis one is for the real chocolate lover....

Easy ways to increase your veggie intake Gigi loves vegetables! Veggies are delicious and incredible rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which boost your health and help fight off disease. Plus they are beneficial for weight control due to their low calorie content. However, according to research...

What are the health benefits of ginger? Ginger has been used for more than thousand years and is a very popular ingredient in cooking, especially in Asian and Indian cuisine. Not only because of its delicious warm, sweet and spicy flavor. Ginger is also super healthy! Packed...

We’ve all got a favourite fruit and vegetable, but most of us probably don’t know where they come from or how the plant even looks like. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 7 delicious fruits and vegetables showing how they’re grown. Some of them...

Beetroot. You hate it or you love it. But even if it’s not your favourite veggie, it’s definitely worth it to eat it more often. Whether you use it in a soup or drink it as juice like the Olympics do: beets are super healthy!...

5 years ago there weren’t a lot of vegan restaurants in The Netherlands, but that’s not the case anymore. In honor of World Vegetarian Day - Tuesday 1 October - we made a list of our top 8 vegan restaurants. How many of our favourite...

Get ready for a fibre-rich diet! Consuming enough dietary fibre is important for your health. The recommended daily intake: 30 to 40 grams of fibre. However, Dutch people consume only half the amount. The reason? It’s not always easy to consume enough fibre-rich foods. To give...

Fermented vegetables is a very old method of food preservation, a technique that was necessary to get through the winter. Yes, your lovely fridge was only introduced in the 1950s. Fermenting vegetables has many more benefits! It also enhances the nutrient content of the food....

Is "losing weight" or "eating healthy" one of your New Year’s resolution? Getting from breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner without thinking about a delicious donut could be difficult sometimes. We get it. Good news: there are lots of healthy snacks! Reach for one...